Be Environmental While $aving

Globe Solar Energy Inc.


Globe Solar Energy Inc. (Globe Solar hereafter) is a Toronto-based solar company that designs, manufactures and installs solar products especially solar thermal systems in Canada and the USA. GSE focuses on the leading technology – evacuated tube-based solar thermal products for the North American market.

Before Globe Solar was established in 2005, the founder of Globe Solar, Mr. Gordon Xiao, has spent 3 years to study the feasibility of introducing a new evacuated tube solar collector water heating system in Canada. Two years later, Gordon installed one on his own house in early of June, 2004. Running through a year, Gordon proved that this kind of solar water heater is an efficient, energy-saving, secure and simple product. Read More

Online MornitoringRead More  

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TestimonialsRead More  

    "Interesting, it never froze once ..."
  solar energy
------ Brian, 55 McColl Drive, Welland, Ontario

Here is the hybrid system that I have installed for your interest.  It is working well despite the lack of sunshine this winter. Interesting it never froze once, in this cold winter of 2009, as the controller took care of keeping the water moving on demand.  This did mean more circulating losses, as you mentioned when I bought it. ... read more.

  SolarBC Customers Share Their Stories  

After one year of the SolarBC program, we have asked customers to provide us with their install experiences and the response has been overwhelmingly positive. Here are a few insights from homeowners around BC who've installed solar hot water systems.
Our choice to go Solar for preheating our hot water was one way of helping reduce carbon emissions and ozone layer depletion by harnessing free, non-environmentally damaging solar energy. ... read more.

solar energy    
               Rob D'Eon, from Nelson, sent us this photo of his approval of his new Globe Solar system.

Solar LED LightRead More  

  GSE SL-310 Solar LED Light  

This renovation solar LED light is ideally used
in the following locations:
1. Parking Lot;
2. Parks, Islands and Recreation;
3. Industrial Parks;
4. Front & Back Yards of Residentials;
5. Churchs;
6. Shopping Malls.
For details, please click here.

solar energy    

System Working Principle


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